Tsugaike REPORT

2022.10.02Tsugaike Nature Park / Sunny

4 straight days of sunny weather (with perfectly clear, cloudless mornings to start each day!). The easiest place to see the change is through the area below the gondola (pictured), where all the leaves were green just 5 days ago. There was around a 20-minute wait for the gondola at the Sanroku-eki base station this morning just past 7:00, with the ropeway beyond running continuously.
[Tsugaike Gondola]

frost and slippery in the shady areas early on, but was completely thawed and dry by the time I reached the Ukishima Shistugen. Just as it became easier to walk, the scenery opened up and I was greeted by fantastic views of autumn colors across the trees and marshlands before me, putting a welcome spring in my step.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Ukishima Shitsugen]

excited visitors shouting things like, “Wow”, “It’s so beautiful” and “What a view”! It wasn’t just the nearby trees that were impressive, but also the rich fall colors on the mountainside (pictured) near the summit of Mt. Korenge (2,766m). At 9:30 the temperatures still hadn’t risen above 15℃, but I was still comfortable resting in the shade during a break.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Tenbo Shitsugen〜Yase-one Ridge]

the Okamenoki (Viburnum furcatum) were already dyed a deep shade of red, while some Kaede (maples) were orange and others were just starting to change color. I observed many people pointing their cameras towards the Ushiro-Tateyama mountain range (pictured), where the autumn colors have become noticeably more pronounced.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Ukishima Shitsugen]

*Currently, repair work is underway on a 120-meter section of wooden boardwalk on the eastern side of the Watasuge Shitsugen. As of 10/14, the project is scheduled to be completed in around 10 days, but the new boardwalk will be unveiled to the public next year after the spring snowmelt.

[Tsugaike Nature Park Opening Information]
*Business Period … 6/11 (Sat.) to 10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Business Hours … 10/1・2, 10/8-10, 7:00- / Other periods 8:00-
*Fees … Round trip use of the Panorama Way (gondola & ropeway) + Nature Park entrance / Adults JPY3,700, Children JPY2,100 → Adult Advance Discount Tickets JPY3,300, Children JPY1,850!?(Advance Discount Tickets are usable as-is! Proceed directly to the gondola for immediate boarding.)

[Hakuba Tsugaike WOW! Opening Information]
*Business Period … 6/11 (Sat.) to 10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Business Hours …9:00-16:00 (Last entrance 15:00, open daily during August, irregular schedule during September)
*Fees … Amidasu (60 min.) Adults JPY2,000・Children JPY1,800 / Tobidasu (One Time) JPY1,000 / Fumidasu (One Time) JPY800 / Kabedasu (One Time) JPY500 / Kogidasu (One Time) JPY2,000

[TSUGAIKE Outdoor Village]
*Business Period … 7/15 (Fri.)-10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Facilities … GLAMPING FIELD TSUGAIKE, LANTERN CAMPING FIELD TSUGAIKE, Hakuba Tsugaike WOW!, Tsugaike Ropeway, Dog Run, Tsugaike Golf Center

*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs

*Tsugaike Nature Park & WOW! will be reported 1-2 times a week

reported by Snownavi

March 2025
« Nov    

Operating Period

Jun. 1 – Oct. 27 & Nov. 2 – 4, 2024


Tsugaike Mountain Resort

TEL. +81 261-83-2255

Hakuba Tsugaike WOW!

TEL. +81 261-83-2255