Tsugaike REPORT

2022.10.01Tsugaike Nature Park / Sunny

Today was a perfect day for enjoying the fall leaves, with the recent great weather advancing the colors nicely in time for the weekend. A steady stream of cars began filtering into the central parking lot from the early morning hours, and as of 12:30 almost no open spaces were left. As I arrived at the Tenbo Shitsugen’s observation deck I was greeted by incredible scenery (pictured) that made me think, “I’m glad I came!”
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Tenbo Shitsugen]

Overall, the fall colors of the Tsugaike Nature Park have reached approximately 70 to 80% of their peak. The juxtaposition of the nearly 3,000m ridgeline lying above the trees with the vibrant colors of the Dakekanba (Erman’s birch, pictured) spreading below was especially impressive. The combination of the strong sunlight and the warm temperatures that had already reached 16℃ by 8:00, meant that almost as soon as I had started walking, I found myself removing my jacket.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Ukishima Shitsugen〜Ginmeisui]

I found myself stopping frequently each time I discovered some beautifully-colored autumn leaves alongside the walking route. (The Nanakamado, or Japanese rowan, pictured here was a lovely shade of red, but many have yet to change.) Around 10:00 the number of visitors within the park seemed to increase significantly, and on the path back (between the Ukishima Shitsugen and Kusukawa river), I had to step aside quite a few times to let others pass, and vice versa.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Mousen-ike〜Tenbo Shitsugen]

The fall leaves as seen from the Watasuge Shitsugen’s can’t-miss photo spot (pictured) are finally starting to take on even more impressive autumn shades. In other news, the repair work on the small bridge at the entrance of the Mizubasho Shitsugen has finished and the route is now passable as of today. The wooden boardwalk through the Watasuge Shitsugen is still being worked on, and is closed up until the point just before where this photo was taken.
[Tsugaike Nature Park・Watasuge Shitsugen]

*Currently, repair work is underway on a 120-meter section of wooden boardwalk on the eastern side of the Watasuge Shitsugen. As of 10/14, the project is scheduled to be completed in around 10 days, but the new boardwalk will be unveiled to the public next year after the spring snowmelt.

[Tsugaike Nature Park Opening Information]
*Business Period … 6/11 (Sat.) to 10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Business Hours … 10/1・2, 10/8-10, 7:00- / Other periods 8:00-
*Fees … Round trip use of the Panorama Way (gondola & ropeway) + Nature Park entrance / Adults JPY3,700, Children JPY2,100 → Adult Advance Discount Tickets JPY3,300, Children JPY1,850!?(Advance Discount Tickets are usable as-is! Proceed directly to the gondola for immediate boarding.)

[Hakuba Tsugaike WOW! Opening Information]
*Business Period … 6/11 (Sat.) to 10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Business Hours …9:00-16:00 (Last entrance 15:00, open daily during August, irregular schedule during September)
*Fees … Amidasu (60 min.) Adults JPY2,000・Children JPY1,800 / Tobidasu (One Time) JPY1,000 / Fumidasu (One Time) JPY800 / Kabedasu (One Time) JPY500 / Kogidasu (One Time) JPY2,000

[TSUGAIKE Outdoor Village]
*Business Period … 7/15 (Fri.)-10/23/2022 (Sun.)
*Facilities … GLAMPING FIELD TSUGAIKE, LANTERN CAMPING FIELD TSUGAIKE, Hakuba Tsugaike WOW!, Tsugaike Ropeway, Dog Run, Tsugaike Golf Center

*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs

*Tsugaike Nature Park & WOW! will be reported 1-2 times a week

reported by Snownavi

March 2025
« Nov    

Operating Period

Jun. 1 – Oct. 27 & Nov. 2 – 4, 2024


Tsugaike Mountain Resort

TEL. +81 261-83-2255

Hakuba Tsugaike WOW!

TEL. +81 261-83-2255