2023.09.03Kotomiyama (Mt. Kotomi) / Partly Cloudy

This has been the hottest summer in recorded Japanese history. The Japan Meteorological Agency has announced that the average temperature from June to August was 1.76°C above normal; the highest since record keeping began in 1898. Hakuba was no exception, with August temperatures in the village exceeding the norm by 2.1°C. However, the heat has finally begun to ease in September, and mornings and evenings in particular have become cooler and more comfortable. I observed evidence of this shift towards fall in the form of the golden-colored rice paddies (pictured) viewable rom the Donguri Panorama Observation Deck.
[Donguri Panorama Observation Deck]

A cool breeze wafted in through the window as I rode the Goryu Telecabin upwards. After exiting the gondola and with the Alps Tenbo Lift out of service, it took about 15 minutes of hiking to reach the top of the lift. Early on the sun was beating on my back, and I heard other hikers talking about how hot they felt. However, as the rising fog enveloped the mountain around 9:30 a.m. (pictured), it cooled down rapidly.
[Mt. Kotomi Trekking Course・Ichinose-kami to Ninose-kami]

Continuing along the Mt. Kotomo Trekking Course, in contrast to the earlier comments about the heat, I began to overhear many people exclaiming their delight at the refreshingly cool temperature. I also ran into a hiker living in Hakuba (pictured) who greeted me by saying that he loves the Snownavi site. He went on to say, “Since the weather was good, I decided to get in a quick hike, but the clouds have moved in.”
[Mt. Kotomi Trekking Course・Ichinose-kami to Ninose-kami]

Near the summit of Mt. Kotomi, the leaves of okame-no-ki (viburnum furcatum) and sarasadodan (redvein enkianthus) were beginning to transition to their fall colors. As I headed back down, I broke below the clouds around the Jizo Cairn, opening up views of paragliders dancing silently with the wind.
[Alps-Daira Nature Pathway]

[Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden Opening Information]
*Business Period … Saturday and Sunday of 6/3 (Sat.) 〜 6/18 (Sun), Daily from 6/24 (Sat.) 〜 10/22/2023 (Sun.)
*Business Hours …8:15 〜 16:00
*Fees … Round trip use of the Goryu Telecabine (9/1〜10/22) Adults JPY2,200・Children JPY1,100 → Discount Coupon Adults JPY2,100・Children JPY1,050! / Round trip use of the Goryu Telecabine (7/8~8/31) Adults JPY2,700・Children JPY1,350 → Discount Coupon JPY2,400・Children JPY1,200!

To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs

*Hakuba Goryu will be reported 1-2 times a week

 reported by Snownavi

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