Tateyama REPORT

2024.07.24Oyama (Vol. 1) / Partly Cloudy

With clear skies in the forecast today, I set out for the summit of Mt. Tateyama (3,003 meters). I met a father from Germany on the trail (pictured, left), who held out his smartphone and asked, “Can you show me where we are now on the map? Is that Mt. Jodo (pictured, back left)?” He thanked me for helping him out, and added, “We’re going to enjoy the rest of the day as a family!” Although I felt the intense heat from the sun, the mountain air and light breeze were refreshingly cool.

Walking between the Murodo Terminal and Murodo Sanso, chinguruma (Aleutian avens), iwakagami (fringed galax), iwa-icho (deer cabbage), and miyama kinpoge (meadow buttercup) were all in bloom. Further along the trail from Murodo Sanso to the Ichinokoshi hut, I found kobaiike-so (Veratrum stamine), miyama senkyu (eastern hemlock parsley) and shishiudo (angelica pubescens). Hakusan-ichige (narcissus anemone, pictured) was especially prevalent, growing in clusters here and there.

There were four spots between Murodo Sanso and Ichinokoshi where I had to step on patches of lingering snow: the first (pictured) was about 20 meters long, the second about 25 meters, the third about 35 meters, and the fourth about 5 meters. None required crampons, but occasionally the snow at the edges was easy to step through, causing some surprised shouts from people whose feet sank in!

Around 9:30 a.m., clouds from the Sea of Japan side began to cover the sky and mountains, and by 10:00 a.m., the entire sky was covered with clouds. At Ichinokoshi (pictured), which is located along the ridge, the wind was blowing strongly from the southwest, and there were moments when a thin sliver of blue sky could be seen through the clouds, so I held out hope that the weather would improve and headed for the summit of Mt. Oyama via the rocky ridge. (*Continued in Vol. 2.)

[Kurobe Dam]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama, Toyama Prefecture
*Operating Period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Fare … Round trip by electric bus (Ogisawa – Kurobe Dam): JPY3,200 for adults, JPY1,600 for elementary school students
*Parking … Ogisawa Station: JPY1,000/day for passenger cars (free parking is also available)

[Kurobe Lake Cruise Ship Garve]
*Operating Period … June 1, 2024 – November 10, 2024
*Fare … JPY1,200 for adults, JPY600 for elementary school students

[Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture
*Opening period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Ougisawa Station Parking lot … JPY1,000/12 hours for passenger cars (*Free parking is also available)
*Required time … Approximately 1 hour from Hakuba Village to Ogisawa Station by car.
*Transportation from Ogisawa to Murodo … JPY12,300 round trip for adults, JPY6,150 for children
*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs.

reported by Snownavi

September 2024
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