2024.09.05Hakuba Goryu / Mostly Sunny

After the passing of Typhoon No. 10, autumn at Hakuba Goryu has quietly begun. At 8:30 a.m. this morning, the temperature at Alps-Daira was 18℃, and along with the light breeze, it felt incredibly refreshing. At the Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden, Asama-furo (Japanese cranesbill, pictured), Ezo-rindo (three-flowered gentian), takane matsumushi-so (takane matsumushi-so (Japanese pincushion flower), yamahahako (pearly everlasting), Hakusan ominaeshi (patrinia triloba), enbisenno (lychnis wilfordi), and waremoko (great burnet) were blooming in abundance.
[Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden]

Shortly after I started heading for the Tenbo Lift, clouds began to gather, intermittently covering and revealing the sun. With the weather forecast calling for sunny skies, there were a lot of hikers with large backpacks heading up the mountain early in the morning.
Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden
[Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden]

The sky was slightly overcast due to the high moisture content in the air, but I was able to get a good view of Mt. Goryu (pictured) and Mt. Karamatsu for the first time in a while from the Jizo Cairn. On the Alps-Daira walking path, the peak blooming period for tamura-so (serratula coronata) had passed, but komebachi-so, Hakusan shajin, and iwashobu (triantha Japonica) were still in full bloom. After 9:00, the sun was increasingly hidden behind the clouds.
[Alps-Daira Walking Path]

On the Alps-Daira walking path I saw many acorns (pictured). I also saw okame-no-ki (viburnum furcatum) and nanakamado (Japanese rowan) berries there, and kuromame-no-ki (bog bilberry) berries in the Alpine Botanical Garden. The full-fledged autumn foliage season should arrive in Hakuba Goryu in late September, after the consecutive three-day weekends on 9/14 to 9/16 and 9/21 to 9/23.
[Alps-Daira Trail]

*On Saturday, September 14, there will be an “Asian Festival” at Escal Plaza, and a “Moss Terrarium Workshop” will be held from 9/14 (Sat.) to 9/16 (Mon.).

[Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden 2024 Opening Information]
*Period … Sat. & Sun. from 6/1 (Sat.) to 6/16 (Sun.), Daily from 6/22 (Sat.) to 10/20 (Sun.)
*Hours … Goryu Telecabin: Weekend & Holidays 7/6 – 8/12 and 8/13 – 8/15 start at 7am, Weekdays 7/8 – 8/9 and 8/16 – 8/18, weekends and holidays 9/14 – 10/14 start at 7:30am
*Fees … Goryu Telecabin round-trip: Adults JPY2,200, Elementary School Students JPY1,100 (from 7/6 to 8/31: Adults JPY2,700, Elementary School Students JPY1,350) / Panorama Pack (Goryu Telecabin round-trip + Tenbo Lift): Adults JPY2,600, Elementary School Students JPY1,300 (from 7/8 to 8/31: Adults JPY3,000, Elementary School Students JPY1,300)

*Click here to purchase photos found in this report.
*This season’s Goryu Report will be updated once or twice a week.

reported by Snownavi

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