Tateyama REPORT

2024.09.06Mt. Murodo / Sunny

The closest mountain to the Murodo area is Mt. Murodo (2,668m). The path to the top is well-maintained and easy to climb, with an elevation gain of around 200m from the Murodo terminal. (*The peak pictured at the top left is Mt. Jodo.) As I was waiting for the first electric bus to depart from Ogisawa Station at 7:30, I saw clouds covering the Tateyama ridgeline on the live camera feed shown on the monitor, but by the time I started climbing at around 9:00, the sky had cleared up.

The path wasn’t too steep (pictured), and I was able to maintain a moderate effort while being refreshed by the cool breeze and pleasant temperatures well below 20℃. Along the way, I saw yellowing leaves of iwa-icho (deer cabbage) and o-itadori (giant knotweed) leaves, and the fluffy tendrils of chinguruma (Aleutian avens). By the end of this month, the leaves of the chinguruma will also turn red.

I arrived at my goal, the Mt. Murodo observation point, about 1 hour and 20 minutes after leaving from the Murodo terminal. From the top, I could a number of landmarks and major peaks at the southern end of the Northern Japanese Alps, including Goshikigahara (pictured, center), Yakushi-dake (2,926m, far right), Noguchigoro (2,840m), Kasagatake (2,897m), Akaushi-dake (2,864m), and Yarigatake (3,180m, far left).
[Mt. Murodo Observation Point]

I spoke with two people from Shizuoka Prefecture (pictured) who had waved to the camera when I was taking a picture, and was told, “After this, we plan to climb Mt. Jodo, then traverse the main ridge from Tateyama to Bessan on our way to Tsurugi. Tomorrow we’re going to attempt the summit of Mt. Tsurugi!” After taking a short break here, I retied my shoelaces and set off to climb the rocky area on the west side of Mt. Jodo. (To be continued in a later report.)
[Mt. Murodo Observation Point]

[Kurobe Dam]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama, Toyama Prefecture
*Operating Period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Fare … Round trip by electric bus (Ogisawa – Kurobe Dam): JPY3,200 for adults, JPY1,600 for elementary school students
*Parking … Ogisawa Station: JPY1,000/day for passenger cars (free parking is also available)

[Kurobe Lake Cruise Ship Garve]
*Operating Period … June 1, 2024 – November 10, 2024
*Fare … JPY1,200 for adults, JPY600 for elementary school students

[Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture
*Opening period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Ougisawa Station Parking lot … JPY1,000/12 hours for passenger cars (*Free parking is also available)
*Required time … Approximately 1 hour from Hakuba Village to Ogisawa Station by car.
*Transportation from Ogisawa to Murodo … JPY12,300 round trip for adults, JPY6,150 for children
*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs.

reported by Snownavi

September 2024
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Operating Period
