Tateyama REPORT

2024.10.11Daikanbo / Sunny

The colorful autumn leaves of Tateyama have moved down the mountain and are now peaking between Daikanbo (2,316m above sea level) and Kurobe-daira (1,828m above sea level). After getting off the Tateyama Ropeway at the summit station, you can go up 54 steps to the “Daikanbo Unjo Terrace” (pictured), and from there you can gaze down on the Tambo Plain, which looks like a beautiful tapestry of color.

The steep rock face behind the terrace was also dotted with the colors of autumn (see photo), and I was moved by the sight of the 3,000-meter peaks of the Northern Alps stretching out around me. Furthermore, the temperature in the morning at this time of year was lower than expected, and while it was cold at 8.3℃ at Daikanbo at 9:30 today, it was nearly 20℃ at Kurobe Dam around lunchtime and I found myself adjusting my layers.

I also enjoyed looking down at the exceptional autumn colors of Tambodaira from the Tateyama Ropeway (pictured). Looking closely, I could see hikers walking through Tambodaira along the rarely-used, 3-hour hiking route from Ichinokoshi to the Tateyama Ropeway Sanroku Station (Kurobedaira Station).
[Tateyama Ropeway]

The autumn leaves at Kurobedaira (pictured) appeared to be around 50% of peak color, with the nanakamado (Japanese rowan) trees already turning red. After getting off at the Kurobe Cable Car Station, I walked along the Kurobe Dam lakeside promenade where the leaves were just starting to turn red and yellow. If the colors continue to deepen from here, I would recommend taking in the views of the autumn leaves from the sightseeing boat Garve, which will end operation this year. The last day for water discharge from the Kurobe Dam will 10/15 (Tue.).

[Kurobe Dam]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama, Toyama Prefecture
*Operating Period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Fare … Round trip by electric bus (Ogisawa – Kurobe Dam): JPY3,200 for adults, JPY1,600 for elementary school students
*Parking … Ogisawa Station: JPY1,000/day for passenger cars (free parking is also available)

[Kurobe Lake Cruise Ship Garve]
*Operating Period … June 1, 2024 – November 10, 2024
*Fare … JPY1,200 for adults, JPY600 for elementary school students

[Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route]
*Location … Omachi, Nagano Prefecture & Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture
*Opening period … April 15, 2024 – November 30, 2024
*Ougisawa Station Parking lot … JPY1,000/12 hours for passenger cars (*Free parking is also available)
*Required time … Approximately 1 hour from Hakuba Village to Ogisawa Station by car.
*Transportation from Ogisawa to Murodo … JPY12,300 round trip for adults, JPY6,150 for children
*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs.

reported by Snownavi

October 2024
« Sep    
9:30 am +8.3℃

Operating Period
