Cortina REPORT

2023.03.15187cm / Sunny

The rain the day before yesterday must have helped to clear the haze, because the blue sky this morning was exceptionally beautiful. The last “Cortina Snow Kids Day” of the season will be held this weekend on 3/19 (Sun.) at the Kids Park (pictured, background). (*Participation fees: ¥500 / FREE for Kids Park 1-Day Pass holders and snow rafting customers)
[Ipponmatsu Course]

A nice, cool southwesterly wind occasionaly blew across the ridge where the landing areas for the 1st Pair and 3rd Quad are located. The groomed Ipponmatsu Course (pictured) had a softening granular snow surface right from the start of the day. My edges sank deep into the snow surface, but I was able to make comfortable turns without getting tripped up by the spring snow.
[Ipponmatsu Course]

Compared to the groomed slopes on the lower part of the ski resort, the Hiedayama Rinkan Course (pictured) was easy to ski due to the moderately packed, groomed granular snow surface. The Itadaira Course, which is exposed to the morning sun, had groomed, rough granular snow. The Hiedayama Course 1 was left ungroomed, and had a moderately loose, granular snow surface covered in bumps and tracks.
[Hiedayama Rinkan Course]

Perhaps the best part of the day was the beautiful scenery in all directions! I couldn’t take my eyes off the views of Mt. Amakazari and Mt. Hiuchi (pictured) from the ride up the 4th Pair ride, and the panorama of the Ushiro-Tateyama Mountain Range from the 3rd Quad. Spring weather has arrived in the HAKUBA VALLEY with the onset of March, but the temperatures have been high across the country as well. The cherry blossoms in Tokyo were declared to be in bloom yesterday, 3/14 (Tue.), which ties for the earliest date ever recorded.
[Hiedayama Rinkan Course]

[Hakuba Cortina Availability Information on 3/16 (Thu.)]
*All courses are available (Except for Snake Course)
*Available Lifts … No.2 Quad (8:30-) and totally 6 lifts.
*Lift Fees … Adult JPY5,000, 6-12 y/o JPY3,500, Over 60 y/o JPY4,500
*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Adult One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,200 coupon = JPY7,200 → JPY6,000
Child One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,000 coupon = JPY5,000 → JPY4,300

*Click here to purchase photos found in this report

reported by Snownavi

February 2025
« Jan    
187cm (+0cm) -2.0℃

Business period

Dec. 14, 2024 – Mar. 30, 2025


Hakuba Cortina


Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba


Cortina Tourism Association
