It was a calm, sunny day to start off the first day of the three-day weekend. All of Shiga Kogen’s resorts are open as of 1/3 (Wed.), and the number of open courses has also been gradually increasing since then. In fact, as of today, 1/6 (Sat.), Terakoya (pictured), Kumanoyu, Okushiga Kogen, Ichinose Diamond, and more are “fully open” (80% or more the resort terrain is skiable).

As I started out on the moderately firm, groomed powder snow surface of the Philosophy Course (pictured), I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Oh, this feels good!” I also overheard visitors commenting that there was more snow than they expected and that the quality of snow at Shiga Kogen is exceptional. The officially announced base at Terakoya is still only 20cm, but there are only a few small areas with thin snow cover, and there was no problem skiing at all.

I spoke with two people from Gifu (pictured), who told me, “We came out on a day trip today. The groomers are really nice! We don’t have a lot of time, but we’ll try to ski as many different courses as we can.” LIPS and Eternal were also groomed and easy to ski, with moderately firm powder snow surfaces.

The Monkey Course at Ichinose Yamanokami ski area and the Diamond Slope (pictured) at Ichinose Diamond ski area were groomed with reasonably packed, “powdery” wet snow. I spoke to two guests from Hiroshima Prefecture who were the first to board the Ichinose Diamond Quad, and was told, “We’ve been staying at Hotel Sanraku, and skiing, since the day before yesterday. The proprietress prepares very delicious dinners.”
[Ichinose Diamond・Diamond Slope]
*We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.
[Availability Information on 1/6 (Sat)]
*All Courses are available
*Available Lifts … Ichinose Diamond Quad (8:30 a.m.-) and totally 40 lifts
*Fees … 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY7,500, Middle & High school students, over 60 y/o JPY6,400, Under 12 y/o JPY3,700
*Request for the original data of our photographs
reported by Snownavi