Due to the recent warm weather and rain, the Riesen Quad and the No. 3 Triple will shut down for the season at the end of the day tomorrow, 4/7 (Sun.), and the gondola will be the only way to access the slopes after 4/8 (Mon.). The descending course from Riesen to Shirakaba will remain open as long as there is sufficient snow cover. (*At the moment the area from the end of the Usuba Slope to Shirakaba is only as wide as one grooming machine.)
[Riesen Slalom Course]

It was a hot morning! With the sun shining and almost no wind, people skiing in light spring ski wear were noticeable right from the start of the day. Riesen (pictured) had a loose, groomed granular snow surface that was pretty rough in areas that were tracked out. From the middle to the end of Riesen, there were areas of thin snow cover and dirty patches of snow, but nothing that interfered with the skiing.
[Riesen Slalom Course]

The 24-25 BLASTRACK & OGASAKA SKI TEST RIDE is taking place from today through 4/8 (Mon.), and was off to a good start. (*Starting at 9:00am, free of charge, ID required.) There was a long line even before the registration desk opened, and I spoke with a staff member who said, “It’s rare to see such a long line at a test ride event. That’s the power of Happo.” I also had a chat with some visitors from Aichi Prefecture (pictured), who remarked, “We always look forward to your reports! We think we’ll wait until the crowd dies down a little bit.”
[Usagidaira Slope]

The groomed slopes all had loose granular snow surfaces, with the slope along the Kurobishi Quad being moderately loose, the southern route of Usagidaira being almost slushy, and the central part of Skyline getting softer as I went down. The ungroomed area along the Alpen Quad (pictured) was covered with medium to large sized moguls that people were taking runs through from the start of the day.
[Usagidaira Slope]
*The HAPPO SPRING FESTIVAL will be held at the OAKLEY TERRACE on 4/7 (Sun.)
[Hakuba Happo-one Details on 4/6 (Sat.)]
*Open Course(s) … Riesen Grat, Usagidaira, Kurobishi, Urakuro, Skyline, Panorama, Riesen Slalom, Shirakaba, Nakiyama South
*Available Lifts … Gondola (8:00 a.m.-), Nakiyama No.3 Triple, Happo Riesen Quad, Panorama Pair, Alpen Quad, Kurobishi No.2 Quad, Skyline No.2 Pair, Glat Quad
*Fees … 3/11 Spring Discount 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY5,500, Over 65 y/o JPY4,950, 6-17 y/o JPY2,500
*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Carving Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY3,000 / Outerwear JPY2,500!
Carving Ski・Snowboard High Performance Model Rental JPY500 OFF!
Kid’s Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY2,500 / Outerwear JPY1,500!
*Request for the original data of our photographs
reported by Snownavi