The power of white snow cannot be understated. Asian Dust and pollen seem to be having little effect on the slopes of Shiga Kogen, and I found my spirits being raised from the clean white snow that has stuck around even in April. The groomed Takamagahara Mammoth Slope (pictured) had a granular snow surface that was packed hard and tight during my first run that had begun to loosen up on my second run.
[Takamagahara・Takamagahara Mammoth Slope]

I ran into a skier from Nagano’s Yamanouchi Town (pictured), who told me, “Today is my 107th day of skiing this season! I saw someone with Snownavi reporting at Yokoteyama at the beginning of the season. My skis are sliding well today, and it feels fantastic. I also overheard other visitors talking about how much snow there was still, and how good the conditions were. Over at Terakoya the well-packed, groomed granular snow was beginning to loosen up, just like at Takamagahara.
[Terakoya・Philosophy Course]

Incidentally, I skied from Takamagahara, across Tannenomori Okojo to the Ichinose Family Front Slope, then took the Ichinose Quad, and entered Terakoya. The traverse course in Tannenomori is groomed, so access going back and forth between Ichinose Family and Takamagahara was smooth.
[Terakoya・Eternal Course]

You can cross the bridge between the Ichinose Family and Ichinose Diamond Slope with skis. Around 10:00 a.m., pole practice and badge tests were being held on the Daimond Slope (pictured), which had slushy granular snow conditions, and it started to feel quite warm as I skied.
[Ichinose Diamond・Rabbit Course]
*The snow depth listed at the top of this report is the highest reported throughout the Shiga Kogen area. Currently, that amount of 215 cm is at Kumanoyu, while the official amount for Takamagahara is 180 cm.
[Availability Information on 4/6 (Sat.)]
*Available Courses … (Takamagahara) Mammoth, (Terakoya) Philosophy, Eternal, LIPS, Contact (Ichinose Diamond) Diamond, Rabbit and totally 53 Courses
*Available Lifts … No.1 Sky(8:45-) and totally 23 lifts
*Fees … 4/1- Spring Discount 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY6,500, Middle & High school students, over 60 y/o JPY5,900, Under 12 y/o JPY3,200
*Request for the original data of our photographs
reported by Snownavi