Kumanoyu Ski Resort opened for the winter season on 12/3 (Sat.). At 7:30 this morning, skies were clear and the temperature was a brisk -5℃. I was greeted by a group of 3 skiers (pictured) from Ibaraki Prefecture and Nagano’s Komoro City, who told me they love our website. They also shared their thoughts after skiing a few runs, saying, “We’re very happy the resort has opened up and conditions were even better than we expected. We’re thankful to the staff for getting everything ready.”
[Kumanoyu Ski Area・Beginner Course 2]

The roughly 600-meter run alongside the Second Pair Lift is generally around 30 meters wide (though only 15 meters in width at the narrowest point (pictured)), and is more than sufficient for skiing. Although the current snow depth isn’t enough to completely even out the undulations of the underlying terrain, the groomed powder snow surface was plenty enjoyable. At around 9:00, the wait for boarding the lift was between 1 and 2 minutes, growing to around 5 minutes by 10:00.
[Kumanoyu Ski Area・Beginner Course 2]

I caught up with a father and his son (pictured) from Nagano City, who told me, “I always check the Snownavi site and purchase my advance discount lift tickets from you! Today, I’m here to enjoy the first day of the season with my son.” Later on, a resort staff member told me that they would be working on expanding the width of the Course 2, and afterwards hope to open other courses as snow conditions allow.
[Kumanoyu Ski Area・Beginner Course 2]

After spending some time skiing on the slopes of Kumanoyu, I made my way to some of the other resorts of Shiga Kogen to check the snow conditions in those areas. I found around 5cm of natural snow accumulated near the base area of Okushiga Kogen (pictured), and between 2 and 3cm at the bottom of Yakebitaiyama. Over at the base areas of Takamagahara and Ichinose Family there was 3 to 10cm. It should also be mentioned that the road beyond the Maruike / Hasuike area was frosted and slippery.
[Okushiga Kogen Ski Resort]
[Availability Information for Dec. 3]
*Available Courses … Kumanoyu Second Beginner Course, Yokoteyama Fourth Gelende(C Course)
*Available Lifts … No.2 Pair Lift (8:30 a.m.-)
*Lift Fees … Kumano-yu Early Season 1 Day Pass Adult JPY4,900, Senior & 13-18 y/o JPY4,500, 6-12 y/o JPY2,400 / Yokote-yama & Shibu-toge Early Season 1 Day Pass Adult JPY4,800, Senior & 13-18 y/0 JPY4,400, 6-12 y/o JPY2,500
*Request for the original data of our photographs
reported by Snownavi