After our previous Shiga Kogen report covering Kumanoyu, Yokoteyama opened on 11/26 (Tue.), followed by Takamagahara Mammoth on 11/30 (Sat.)! The free parking lot near the slopes (in front of Laforet) at Yokoteyama (pictured) was almost full by 8:00 a.m. The air was chilly, but I got on the fourth pair (35m), which started at 8:45 a.m., at the top of the Kaiwa slope, where we could start skiing. It was a chilly morning as I took the 4th Pair (359m) when it opened at 8:45, bringing me to the top of the Kaiwa Slope.

The Kaiwa Slope (pictured, 420m long, Max. Slope Angle 24°, Average 16°) was already at its full width with the addition of a good amount of natural snow from yesterday and the artificial snow that has been made every day. The groomed wet snow surface had a powdery feel, and my skis ran very well on the well-packed snow.

During my report I ran into Shota Otsuka (pictured), who competed in the Snowboard Technical Championships last season, and he told me, “I love your site, Snownavi. I refer to your slope reports a lot. I’m going to work hard to compete in the championships again this year.” Katsuya Saiki, who was with Shota, added, “This season, my aim is to win the technical championships!”

Going back to earlier in the day, I spoke with a man from Niigata Prefecture (pictured, left), who said he was a fan of Snownavi, and added, “I came to Yokoteyama since the conditions looked good.” A cosplayer from Nagano Prefecture (pictured, right) told me they chose Yokoteyama for their first day of the season because of the steep slopes. The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful this morning, in part because of the magnificent rime ice, but the cosplayer was looking pretty good, too!
*For visitors to Kumanoyu, please use the Kumanoyu Ski Area car park (in front of the bridge at the entrance to the Kumanoyu Hotel) or the Hotaru Onsen public car park (both are free). For the Yokoteyama Kaiwa Slope, please use the Yosaka free car park.
[Shiga Kogen Details on 12/1 (Sun.)]
*Available Courses … (Yokoteyama) Kaiwa, (Kumanoyu) No.2 Begginer, (Takamagahara) Bottom part of Shomen
*Available Lifts … (Yokoteyama) No.4 Pair (8:45〜), (Kumanoyu) No.2 Pair, (Takamagahara) Takamagahara No.2 Triple
*Fees … Early Season 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY6,500, Over 60 & 13 – 18 y/o 5,900, Elementary School Students JPY3,200 (until 12/20)