The base depth, which was 90 cm on 12/18 (Wed.), has more than doubled due to steady snowfalls continuing through 12/20 (Fri.) and the arrival of a major cold wave on 12/22 (Sat.)! On Christmas Eve, large snowflakes were coming down hard. The World Cup Slope (pictured) is a great place to enjoy “Madapow”, and today had an additional 30cm of fresh snow that accumulated overnight on top of the about 40cm of fresh snow from the previous day.
[World Cup]

I saw one international visitor (pictured) skiing down while yelling loudly and sending up a huge spray, and it left a strong impression. The soft base and fluffy fresh snow felt amazing! A skier from Nagano, whom I met at the bottom, said, “It’s just the right depth—not too shallow, not too deep—and it was the most fun I’ve had this season!”
[World Cup]

A skier from Yamanashi, whom I rode the Super Quad with, said, “The World Cup in the morning was great! I’m heading to Tangram now on the No. 15 Lift, which starts operating at 9 a.m.” I also took the No. 15 Lift and rode the Sky View slope, which had a moderately packed, groomed powder snow, to Sky Love. Even on Sky Love (pictured), I was able to fully immerse myself in the Madapow experience, since about 30cm of fresh snow had settled on the early to mid part of the run!
[Sky Love]

Just before opening, the groomers worked on Paradise (pictured), Utopia, Beginner A & B, and Giant, which all had moderately soft packed powder snow bases. Around 9:30 a.m., the sky cleared up and the sun started to shine through (pictured), but by 10 a.m., clouds returned and snow began to fall heavily again. By the way, a new guide service called “Powder Station” has been set up inside Heidi.
[Madarao Kogen Availability Information on 12/24 (Tue)]
*Almost All Areas Available (= Powder Line, Powder Theater, Powder Wave 2, River Line, Crystal Bowl, Adventure Aisle, SAWA I・II・III, NINJA, Rabbit, Bear are not open)
*Available Lifts … No.1 lift (8:30-), No.2 Quad Lift, No.3 lift, superquad, No.11 lift, No.12 lift, No.15 lift
*Fees … Area 5-hour ticket Ticket Adult JPY6,500, Over 55 y/o JPY6,000, 6-12 y/o JPY4,000, *Preschooler Free