Cortina REPORT

2023.01.14190cm / Cloudy

This morning I spoke with a man from Germany (pictured), who told me, “I am training for a year at a company in Tokyo, and this is my first visit to Hakuba Cortina. Tomorrow I am going to Hakuba Goryu & Hakuba47. By the way, it’s quite warm today, isn’t it.” It was warm, in fact, it felt like March, and even the wind that was blowing lightly until around 8:30 felt lukewarm.
[Ipponmatsu Course]

All three ski resorts in Otari Village (i.e. Hakuba Cortina, Hakuba Norikura Onsen, and Tsugaike Kogen) now have officially-announced bases of less than 200 cm. A staff member I spoke with said, “Last night’s rain wasn’t that heavy, but the little bit we had did cause the base to shrink.”
[Ikenota Slope]

I had a chat with two ladies from Tokyo (pictured), who told me they have been to the HAKUBA VALLEY many times, but this was their first time at Cortina. They told me they would be staying at the Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba, and we’re looking forward to the hotel’s buffet and hot spring! On the mountain, I found the Ikenota Slope slightly difficult to ski, with its somewhat slushy, groomed wet snow surface.
[Ikenota Slope]

On the other hand, my skis slid well on the firmly-groomed wet snow of the Hiedayama Rinkan Course. The Hiedayama Course 1 (pictured) had irregular moguls, and the moderately heavy wet snow applied noticeable friction to my skis. At the kids’ park, a mother of a family from Kanagawa Prefecture told me, “I’m in charge of carrying all of our stuff and I’m breaking out into a sweat. I need to take off a layer!”
[Hiedayama Course 1]

[Hakuba Cortina Availability Information on 1/15 (Sun.)]
*All courses are available (Except for Snake)
*Available Lifts … No.2 Quad (8:30-) and totally 6 lifts.
*Lift Fees … Adult JPY5,000, 6-12 y/o JPY3,500, Over 60 y/o JPY4,500 (Until 3/19)
*Night Skiing … 12/29 (Thu) – 1/3 (Tue), 1/8 (Sun), Saturday in January & February, 5:00 – 9:00 p.m, Ikenota G, Adult JPY1,500, 6-12 y/o JPY1,000
*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Adult One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,200 coupon = JPY7,200 → JPY6,000
Child One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,000 coupon = JPY5,000 → JPY4,300

*Click here to purchase photos found in this report

reported by Snownavi

February 2025
« Jan    
190cm (+0cm) -0.0℃

Business period

Dec. 14, 2024 – Mar. 30, 2025


Hakuba Cortina


Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba


Cortina Tourism Association
