The powerful cold air mass that settled over Japan beginning on the evening of 1/24 (Tue.), has resulted in abundant snow that has greatly increased the snowpack. As of today, the base is currently 180 cm at Yokoteyama and Shibutoge, 160 cm at Yakebitaiyama (pictured), and 70 cm in the areas with the least amount of snow, such as Sunvalley. Because snow is much slower to melt in Shiga due to the altitude and other factors, I believe that the snowpack here has double the value as at other ski resorts. (For example, 180 cm at Shiga Kogen is roughly equivalent to 360 cm elsewhere.)
[Yakebitaiyama・Giant Slalom]

The snow that was falling in the early morning hours gradually weakened before coming to a stop around 9:00. The Giant Slalom Course (pictured), one of Yakebitaiyama’s most famous intermediate slopes (max. slope angle 25 degrees, average 12 degrees), had a moderately firm, groomed powder snow surface at the start of the course, and harder packed powder snow in the middle after passing under the First Gondola.
[Yakebitaiyama・Giant Slalom]

Incidentally, there is an ungroomed section in the middle of the Giant Slalom (pictured), located in the area to skier’s left. I spoke with a staff member of another resort this morning, who told me, “The snow looked good today, so I took advantage of my day off to come ski Yakebitaiyama. The first run was so good that the lift ticket has already paid for itself (lol). I’m looking forward to reading your Snownavi resort report for today.” The snow wasn’t deep enough to keep me from bottoming out from time to time on the underlying base, but the 20cm of smooth new snow felt great!
[Yakebitaiyama・Giant Slalom]

The snow surface at the end of the Giant Slalom Course (pictured) was well-packed powder snow that felt pleasantly soft. The East Course and Middle Contact Course were also very easy to ski with similar snow conditions. On the Middle Contact Course, a couple from Osaka prefecture told me, “We always check your site! We’ve been staying at the Shiga Kogen Prince Hotel since yesterday. It took us a long, hard 12 hours to get to Shiga from our home in Osaka due to this weather system.”
[Yakebitaiyama・Giant Slalom]
[Availability Information on 1/27 (Fri)]
*All courses are available! (Except for Yakebi Wall, Panorama In C, Maruike A, Mt. Nishidate Okabe C, Perfecter C, Philosophy C, LIPS C, Eternal C, Terakoya Connecting C)
*Available Lifts … Ichinose Quad (8:30-) and totally 36 lifts
*Lift Fees … 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY6,500, 13-18 & Over 60 y/o JPY5,600, 6-12 y/o JPY3,200 (Until 3/31)
*Click here to purchase photos found in this report
reported by Snownavi