Cortina REPORT

2023.02.12258cm / Sunny

The second day of the JAPAN FREERIDE OPEN (JFO) was blessed with clear, blue skies. Due to deteriorating conditions in the tree area bordering Hakunori, the Open Category competition was held on the Hiedayama Course 3, just like yesterday’s Junior event. The contestants (pictured) boarded the 2nd Quad at 8:30 a.m., and immediately transferred to the 4th Pair to head up for their course inspection.

Natsuki Endo (pictured, wearing red, second from the left), the winner of the men’s ski race last year, said, “I hope I can stay true to my own style of skiing, not just go for the win.” Hearing this, a friend next to him shouted, “You say that, but you’re going for the win again.” After taking this photo, Endo-san skied straight down alongisde the other skiers and joined them in checking out the snow conditions.
[Hiedayama Course 3]

Hiedayama 3 had very difficult conditions with a hard, uneven surface. After inspecting the course, Yui Ohno (pictured, right), the winner of the previous women’s skiing competition, and Mirai Nakagawa (pictured, left), the overall winner of the women’s Freeride World Tour Hakuba Japan 2019, said with a smile, “We will do our best and put safety first!”

The women’s ski and snowboard runs started at 10:30 a.m., by which time the the sun was shining strongly, the temperature was quickly rising, and the snow surface on Hie 3 (pictured) was softening up. As for the other runs, the wet, groomed snow on Hiedayama Rinkan and Hiedayama One was moderately soft, while Itadaira and Ikenota had moderately firm, groomed snow surfaces.
[Hiedayama Course 3]

[Hakuba Cortina Availability Information on 2/12 (Sun.)]
*All courses are available (Except for Mt. Hieda C3)
*Available Lifts … No.2 Quad (8:30-) and totally 6 lifts.
*Fees … Adult JPY5,000, 6-12 y/o JPY3,500, Over 60 y/o JPY4,500 (Until 3/19)
*Night Skiing … Saturday in Jan. & Feb, 17:00-21:00, Ikenota G, Adult JPY1,500, 6-12 y/o JPY1,000

*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Adult One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,200 coupon = JPY7,200 → JPY6,000
Child One-Day Lift Ticket Pack with Lunch or Shop Voucher JPY1,000 coupon = JPY5,000 → JPY4,300

*Click here to purchase photos found in this report

reported by Snownavi

February 2025
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258cm (+0cm) -3.0℃

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Dec. 14, 2024 – Mar. 30, 2025


Hakuba Cortina


Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba


Cortina Tourism Association
