Goryu47 REPORT

2023.02.16290cm / Sunny

Cold temperatures are holding fast. This morning I overheard a skier carving first tracks on the Panorama Course (pictured) commenting on how the snow felt so good. On Panorama, 2 to 3 cm of fresh silky snow sat on top of the moderately firm, groomed powder snow surface. In addition, rime ice covered trees throughout the area, and there were tiny flutters of snow dancing through the air.
[Panorama Course]

The clouds that had been hovering overhead dissipated around 8:45 a.m., revealing nothing but blue skies. While admiring the rime ice to the south while riding the Alps 4th pair, I caught sight of diamond dust reflecting in a pillar of sunlight (pictured). The people riding in front and behind me exclaimed, “Wow, it’s so beautiful!”
[Alps Pair 4]

The Grand Prix Course (pictured) was groomed with a tight powder snow surface. Thanks to the 2 to 3 cm topping of light, fresh snow, clouds of snow shot up behind skiers carving down the slope at speed. The Dynamic Course also had around 2 to 3 cm of fresh snow, but here it felt a little heavy, and sat atop a firm surface composed of groomed wet snow. My skis were sliding well, so I had to be careful to remain under control.
[Grand Prix Course]

The Powder Snow Course (pictured) and Soft Cream Course were groomed widely with well-packed wet snow surfaces that had a powdery feel. Since it was a weekday, there were few people and I was make turns as I pleased. The temperatures began to warm up around 9:00 a.m. thanks to the sunshine.
[Powder Snow Course]

[Hakuba Goryu & Hakuba47 Availability Inforation on 2/16 (Thu.)]
*All courses are available (Except for Adventure)
*Available Lifts … Goryu Tele-cabin (8:15-), Line-8 (8:00-) and totally 14 lifts.
*Lift Fees … 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY6,000, 60-79 y/o JPY5,000, 13-17 y/o JPY4,300, 6-12 y/o JPY3,200, Under 6 & Over 80 y/o Free *Ticket Deposit JPY500 required.
*Night Skiing … 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. until 3/26 (Sun), Toomi G, Adult Weekday JPY3,200 → JPY2,700, Weekend & Holiday & 12/29-1/3 JPY3,500 → JPY3,000, Child Weekday JPY1,600 → JPY1,300, Weekend & Holiday & 12/29-1/3 JPY1,800 → JPY1,500
*Sunrise Skiing … Weekend & Holiday of Jan. 7 (Sat) – Mar. 26 (Sun), 7 a.m.- Toomi G, Available with 1Day pass
*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Lunch Coupon JPY1,000 = JPY7,000 → JPY6,100!
Child 1 Day Pass +Lunch Coupon JPY1,000 = JPY4,200 → JPY3,600!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Child 1 Day Pass = JPY9,200 → JPY7,600!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Rental 1 Day Coupon = JPY11,000 → JPY7,800!
Child 1 Day Pass + Rental 1 Day Coupon = JPY7,000 → JPY4,400!
Adul 2 Day Pass + Rental 2 Day Coupon = JPY20,500 → JPY15,200!
Child 2 Day Pass + Rental 2 Day Coupon = JPY12,900 → JPY8,400!
Toomi Night Skiing Weekday Adult JPY3,200 → JPY2,700, Child JPY1,600 → JPY1,300!
Toomi Night Skiing Weekends & Holidays Adult JPY3,500 → JPY3,000, Child JPY1,800 → JPY1,500!

Carving Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY3,000 / Outerwear JPY2,500!
Carving Ski・Snowboard High Performance Model Rental JPY500 OFF!
Kid’s Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY2,500 / Outerwear JPY1,500!

*Goryu47 will be updated 5 times a week from December to March, 2 to 3 times a week from April.
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reported by Snownavi

December 2024
« Nov    
TOP: 290cm (+3cm) -10.0℃
BTM: 110cm (+1cm) -4.0℃

Business period

ABLE Hakuba Goryu Ski Resort

Nov. 30, 2024 – May. 6, 2025

Hakuba47 Winter Sports Park

Dec. 1, 2024 – May. 6, 2025


ABLE Hakuba Goryu IIMORI
