It was a mild Saturday morning with plenty of clouds. The sun shone from time to time, but temperatures stayed comfortable, and the cool air felt refreshingly pleasant. The snow surfaces on the upper portion of Route 8 (pictured) and Route 2 consisted of the fresh snow that fell yesterday and the day before and were firmly groomed, making it easy to link controlled, comfortable turns.
[Upper Portion of Route 8]
I spoke with a skier from Aichi Prefecture (pictured), who told me, “I love the Snownavi site! Today the snow is good quality, and the slopes are easy to ski. I’m on my way to join the Hakuba47 Ski Academy.” As Line-C began operation, I observed many people dropping into the upper portion of Route 1, which meant that the nicely groomed corduroy on Route 2 (pictured) was preserved for a nice while.
[Route 2]
Conditions were comfortable on the lower part of Route 8 (pictured), where the firm surface was a mix of powder and coarse granular snow. Over on the slowly descending, zig-zagging forest trails, beginners skied slowly while advanced skiers occasionally cut the switchbacks or playfully used the sidewalls for tricks. In general, the lower part of Route 1 had a very firmly-groomed, granular snow surface that I had to be careful not to get too much speed on.
[Lower Portion of Route 8]
A woman (pictured) from Nagano’s Matsumoto City, who was taking lessons with the HAKUBA47 Snowboard School, commented to me, “This is my first time taking lessons. I want to get good instruction and learn to snowboard properly.” Her teacher (pictured, right) added, “We have a lot of reservations for our lessons again today.” Route 5, Route 6, and Route 7 (pictured) were groomed with a mix of “powdery” wet snow and granular snow.
[Route 7]
[Hakuba Goryu & Hakuba47 Availability Inforation on 3/4 (Sat.)]
*All courses are available (Except for Snowdiving)
*Available Lifts … Goryu Tele-cabin (8:15-), Line-8 (8:00-) and totally 15 lifts.
*Lift Fees … 1 Day Ticket Adult JPY6,000, 60-79 y/o JPY5,000, 13-17 y/o JPY4,300, 6-12 y/o JPY3,200, Under 6 & Over 80 y/o Free *Ticket Deposit JPY500 required.
*Night Skiing … 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. until 3/26 (Sun), Toomi G, Adult Weekday JPY3,200 → JPY2,700, Weekend & Holiday & 12/29-1/3 JPY3,500 → JPY3,000, Child Weekday JPY1,600 → JPY1,300, Weekend & Holiday & 12/29-1/3 JPY1,800 → JPY1,500
*Sunrise Skiing … Weekend & Holiday of Jan. 7 (Sat) – Mar. 26 (Sun), 7 a.m.- Toomi G, Available with 1Day pass
*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Lunch Coupon JPY1,000 = JPY7,000 → JPY6,100!
Child 1 Day Pass +Lunch Coupon JPY1,000 = JPY4,200 → JPY3,600!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Child 1 Day Pass = JPY9,200 → JPY7,600!
Adul 1 Day Pass + Rental 1 Day Coupon = JPY11,000 → JPY7,800!
Child 1 Day Pass + Rental 1 Day Coupon = JPY7,000 → JPY4,400!
Adul 2 Day Pass + Rental 2 Day Coupon = JPY20,500 → JPY15,200!
Child 2 Day Pass + Rental 2 Day Coupon = JPY12,900 → JPY8,400!
Toomi Night Skiing Weekday Adult JPY3,200 → JPY2,700, Child JPY1,600 → JPY1,300!
Toomi Night Skiing Weekends & Holidays Adult JPY3,500 → JPY3,000, Child JPY1,800 → JPY1,500!
Carving Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY3,000 / Outerwear JPY2,500!
Carving Ski・Snowboard High Performance Model Rental JPY500 OFF!
Kid’s Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY2,500 / Outerwear JPY1,500!
*Goryu47 will be updated 5 times a week from December to March, 2 to 3 times a week from April.
*Click here to purchase photos found in this report